Chase Your Dreams: Best Motivation Ever

When you take the first step to achieve a goal, you never know what you may encounter on the way. So, chase after your dreams.

Try as you might to prepare for every possible scenario, sometimes unexpected obstacles can come your way and derail you. Don’t let them affect your dreams. Chasing after your dreams is not so easy, it requires a lot of effort and motivation. Try out this exercise on a daily basis because motivation is the key to success.

Here, I am going to share some things which might distract you but you need to focus on your dreams rather than thinking about these things.

  • Distractions- It’s not that they alone can prevent you from reaching a goal. It’s the way they grab your attention away from the important stuff so that you don’t even feel how much time has passed, spending one hour browsing your social media feed instead of getting some fresh air, answering the phone when you should be finishing up a project, and those four hours you spent in front of the TV last night instead of going to bed earlier. Don’t let your devices own you and your time. You have the power to switch them off whenever you need to it’s not mandatory to use them for daily purposes.
  • Self-doubt- It’s that small voice constantly making comments when you are trying to overcome an obstacle or practice something you’ve never done before. It also creates negative thoughts like “You sure you want to keep going? What made you think you can last? Is this really the right thing for you?” Believing in yourself is not something that you were necessarily born with. It’s a skill that you practice. It’s a message that you deliver constantly to yourself, every single day, in tiny bits and pieces, so that you get the point across. You can do this.
  • Fixed mindset- All those things you were told when you were younger “did you ever question them”? Did you believe your teachers or your parents when they told you, “You can’t be a scientist” or “maybe foreign languages are not your strong side?” Maybe it was your right brain, or your left brain, or your gender that was the “problem” and maybe the real problem was that you took this for granted. Well, things have changed now.

Girl thinking of her dreams

  • Life events- The truth is, we all experience them. They can be something as big as graduating from college getting married or having children. Or, they can take on the shape of a personal setback, failing at something big, going through a loss, or moving into another phase of life when things are still unknown and can fill us with anxiety and discomfort. In the middle of these changes, the goals we had set for ourselves now take a back seat. But instead of just reacting to life circumstances and taking on a more passive stance, we can make a personal commitment to ourselves to stay on track with what we initially identified as important to us. For the time being, it can mean spending only ten minutes a day doing something that keeps us in touch with a goal. Over time, this subtle shift can have a much bigger and more positive impact on our life.
  • New goals- Sometimes life happens, we get older or more mature, and we don’t believe that the goals we initially thought were important are that big of a deal to us today. It’s a matter of understanding that things will change like our needs, our priorities, and the way we see our future. And that’s okay. It’s important, to be honest with ourselves and say that we’ve outgrown a goal or no longer see it as necessary. It’s also okay to determine what we should be focusing on instead, based on our changing interests, areas we’d like to learn more about, and our passions that we’ve developed in more recent years. When we clear the path to new things, we will be able to see what we want to accomplish more clearly, which in turn means we can focus all of our energy on making it happen.

Goals and objectives are vital in the learning process because of their connection to performance. Everyone should set realistic goals guided by how the understanding of their capabilities. Goals and objectives motivate people to work hard and track their progress. So, chase your dreams wisely and focus on yourself.


Sim is the founder of The Blessed Human. A budding literary artist who loves to pen down blogs especially on culture, lifestyle, and life.

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